Last modified by tilmann 2024-05-24 06:42:27
Created by Antonin Delpeuch 2024-03-03 12:14:53

:beginner: Volunteer Induction

This page lists knowledge and accesses we give to new Volunteers. It is formatted as Markdown to make it easier to copy into a pad and tick boxes as the steps get done.

Evaluation facilitators don't need to do all this work by themselves, they can share the pad with the group to spread the load.

## Immediately after evaluation
_to be done by the evaluation facilitator_
- [ ] invite to #kh_vol_and_mem and #kanthaus-mails
- [ ] send them an introductory message (see
- [ ] update the Slack user group
- [ ] invite to the Signal group
- [ ] update the website (at

## In the next days
- [ ] explain the hosting duties
- [ ] invite to Nextcloud (create their account at and add them to the "Kanthaus" group)
- [ ] show the cloud calendar and file system (see
- [ ] show keepass
- [ ] explain come facilitation and mention git, come script and records
- [ ] explain the email setup, offer access to hello@ and creation of personal kanthaus address (see
- [ ] show the handbook (at
- [ ] explain the collective agreements changes with ukuvota
- [ ] share link collection
- [ ] give a door tag

## Eventually
- [ ] introduce to git with to upload come minutes
- [ ] introduce to git with kanthaus-private to update evaluation record

## By request or obvious interest
- [ ] show grafana (
- [ ] show the overview of kanthaus repositories on git (
- [ ] introduce to editing
- [ ] introduce to editing the handbook
- [ ] introduce to any more complex house task (sysadmin, finances, you name it)

Template for introductory message

now that you're a volunteer there's some private slack channels you gain access to. I already invited you to
kh_vol_and_mem (the channel for volunteers and members only) and
kanthaus-mails (where all mails to get forwarded to).
but there's a bunch of other channels you could check out if you wanted, mostly automatically fed ones like:

* #kanthaus-konto-wawü that prints the charitable association's bank account activity
* #kanthaus-konto-hkw that prints the house owner association's bank account activity
* #kanthaus-residence that prints the results of the weekly script that is used for CoMe
* #kanthaus-git that prints activity on kanthaus-private and git repositories (I can explain you more about that, it's a software version control system that we also use to store some data like the residency record)
* #kanthaus-finances that is mainly (but rarely) used by the finances team

there also is a Signal group that serves as the only encrypted group communication for kanthaus volunteers and members. it's sometimes used for specific purposes and/or by people who don't have Slack on their phones. I can add you there if you give me your phone number. :slightly_smiling_face:

Feel free to point them to the pad where the other induction tasks are listed, so that they can prod other Volunteers and Members if they are interested in getting a specific access or knowledge.

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